My name is Nate Wandersee. I am 46 years old and was born with spastic quadriplegia cerebral palsy. My walking and balance are affected, My leg muscles are very tight and I have to concentrate in order to control my arms.
I’ve had numerous surgeries on my legs and feet in order to manage my cerebral palsy. Since I was about 25 years old, I’ve just about everything you can think of to minimize the effects of cerebral palsy. Physical therapy, pool therapy, massage, acupuncture, yoga and yes, Floating!
My first experience with float therapy was in April, 2017. One of my physical therapy helpers suggested I try it. I thought, why not? When I got into the float tank for the first time, I thought this is weird. I can’t believe I’m doing this. I hope it helps. I decided to close my eyes and try to relax. After all, I had about an hour left in my float session.
After I closed my eyes in the float tank, I was able to relax in about 10 minutes. My arms and legs began to feel looser. At some point, my mind flashed back to my childhood. I was able to visualize myself running. That was a wonderful feeling, considering I have a lot of anxiety when I walk and struggle to walk without a cane. My brain and muscles have trouble communicating with each other. The messages from my brain come very fast. Sometimes it feels like I have to scream at myself in order to do what I want to physically. My walking and balance are better after a float session and floating has helped remind me to be kind to myself. My confidence has improved. The more float sessions I have, the faster I’m able to relax and I’m able to stay relaxed for a longer time. Floating is the best thing I’ve ever done to help slow things down in my head.
After my first float therapy session, I knew I wanted to try it again. I have benefited a lot from other therapies and treatments. Floating is unique. I had one major issue with float therapy. The float tank was not handicapped accessible and I needed someone to help me in and out of the tank.
It was this experience that lead me to the the idea of investing in a float center. Not just any float center but a Float Center that could make their tank accessible to all! Awaken For Wellness made this into a reality for me. I am so thrilled to be involved and invested in Float Therapy at Awaken For Wellness in Hudson, WI.
I wanted float therapy to be accessible to me and others with physical challenges. I am so thankful for Jesse and Chris, the owners of Awaken For Wellness. They took time to listen and worked extremely hard to make the float room at Awaken For Wellness as handicapped accessible as possible. With the addition of the open float room concept and optional chair lift upon a client’s request, we have found a way to make floating at Awaken For Wellness to be safe and enjoyable for almost everyone. Happy floating!
Nate Wandersee