To inspire health awakening. We define health awakening as discovering new ways to heal, think, and live. We will continue to uncover and deliver information, techniques, and technology to help you live a healthier and happier life.

Awaken For Wellness believes that wellness is a balance. The food we eat, the rituals we obey, and our body movement all result in us feeling our best.

We believe that wellness can be simple. Too many times we are listening to others for what we need rather than actually listening to our bodies. We need to learn to feel what our body needs.

We believe in putting our health into our own hands. Nobody is going to look out for your health as much as you are, but that does take time to research and invest in your health. As the information age has evolved so must our health care. In the past, it was simple; You get sick, you go to the doctor. Now we are seeing many people use differing health resources to come up with natural plans of attack for their conditions. Of course, we need Medical Doctors, Chiropractic Doctors, and Naturopathic Doctors for some of our serious and complicated health needs. However, we are encouraging everyone to use the information at our fingertips.

The services we offer must always answer yes to two questions; “Does it work and is it good for you?” We need to make sure that our services are not a fad and something that won’t harm you. There must be substantial scientific evidence that supports the use of the therapy before we bring the service to the public.

Integrated Health. We believe in community and collaboration. Our goal is to inform health practitioners of other therapies available so they can provide their patients and clients with well-rounded options. We are also invested in health professionals practice so we can inform the public about their offerings. Together we can provide the best and most informed health care to the public.
Awaken For Wellness will always be seeking out cutting edge, complementary medicine. We want to take your health to the next level. What can we provide you to help you on your wellness journey?

We will always strive to get you to the pinnacle of your health journey. Medical bills and services can be expensive so we will always keep this in mind in pricing our services. We don’t want to turn anyone away. If you are in need of our offerings but are financially stretched, we are always willing to work with you to make our therapies available to you.

When it comes to massage therapy and bodywork, we are committed to finding you a match for your care. All of our therapists are highly skilled in their own right, however, If you ever feel like your massage therapist was not the best fit for you, please let us know. Based on your goals, we will attempt to hand select a perfect complement for your needs.

Our products and services will always fit our 2 question test “Does it work? Is it good for you?” Anything you put into your body must have good manufacturing practices. Feel assured, if it is on our shelf, we have scrutinized the product and made sure that it is sourced from pure ingredients.
At Awaken we strive to find every client a path for their wellness journey. How can we help you find your path?


Located on the corner of Saint Clair and Fairview at

1821 Saint Clair ave Saint Paul , MN 55105.


  • 651-493-0459

411 County Rd UU, Hudson, WI 54016

2110 Eagle Creek Ln Suite 350, Woodbury, MN 55129