Step 1. Infrared Sauna

Infrared saunas work by emitting infrared light which penetrates through our skin and into our body and raises the body’s core temperature. Our infrared saunas produce’s three levels of infrared: near, mind, and far wavelengths. Each one resonates with the skin layers, muscle tissue and organs of the body producing different healing responses.

The main purpose for starting with an infrared sauna session for this protocol is to heat your body directly which raises core temperature, reduces the blood viscosity (thins blood out) and vasodilates blood vessels to prepare your body for the Bemer mat.

Step 2. Bemer (PEMF Therapy)

PEMF stands for Pulsed Electromagnetic Field.All living things generate electricity and without it we cannot live.

All vital materials are transported throughout our body via the circulatory system. So, both electricity and blood flow are crucial to maintain and sustain optimal physiological function.

The BEMER signal helps improve the impaired pumping movements (vasomotion) of the smallest vessels (microcirculation) to improve the natural healing mechanism of the body.

Blood is the body’s universal means of transport; oxygen, nutrients, chemical messengers (e.g., hormones) and immune cells are all transported through our blood.

In a nutshell, inadequate voltage is a characteristic of all chronic disease.

These electrical signals exist in our cells, which can weaken over time. When cells weaken symptoms such as fatigue, brain fog, pain, and chronic disease can set in. PEMF technology stimulates these weakened cells to help them function more efficiently, and thus, helping the body recover naturally.

After your Bemer session you have done three major things to prepare your body for the Oxygen Therapy. You have:

Increased microcirculation

Increased voltage of your cell which in turn creates an more alkalized environment and better response to oxygen.

You have repelled your cells from one another to allow more surface area for oxygen and eased circulation for your small blood pathways.


Step 3. EWOT (Exercise with Oxygen Therapy)

Now that your blood flow has been increased throughout every area of your body, it is time to super saturate it with oxygen! Oxygen is so vital to decrease inflammation, boost immunity, and to restore energy. Not just energy you feel but energy that the cells need to process the millions of biochemical reactions.

Exercise with oxygen combines HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) and a 98% oxygen to all but guarantee an increase in your bloods Oxygen Saturation.

Increasing your Oxygen contents in your body prepare you for your next step in the process which will turn your oxygen into energy!


Step 4. Photobiomodulation

Photobiomodulation (PBM) therapy is defined as a form of light therapy that is the visible red and invisible near-infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum. This healing light can penetrate into the body and positively effect many processes of the cell.

Studies have shown that different frequencies of light have different biological effects. Although it may not feel like anything is happening, these specific wavelengths of light penetrate cells and create a positive change in the body.

Our main goal in this therapy is to create more ATP in the body. This is your body’s energy currency. It is necessary for almost all actions of the body. Now that your body is saturated with Oxygen, we can trust that a lack of oxygen will not impede the process of creating more energy.

Oxygen must interact with an enzyme called Cytochrome C-Oxydase in order for the body to create ATP. In a stressed cell, a buildup of Nitric Oxide is present. When there is more Nitric Oxide, the more enzyme CCO is bound with it. The PBM light breaks the bond of Nitric Oxide and (CCO). This is so important because Oxygen cannot interact with CCO while it is bound. Once the CCO is freed from the Nitric Oxide then the Oxygen can interact with it and in the end ATP can be created!